Sunday 10 June 1838
Very fine morning Fahrenheit 63 1/2 at 8 50/60 - breakfast at 9 A review of the national guard this morning - to be in the Rue de Rivoli - the troops passing - Madame Contant had difficulty in getting here at 9 instead of 8 1/2 - brought her bills, Ann's and mine, about a thousand, rather more, to pay her - Ann and the servants anxious to see the King and all spent the whole time till 3 p.m. watching in vain - he and his staff were at the obelisk and the troops, merely marched in order before him Had Miss Daniel between 10 and 11 - she brought a habit she had made last year - cloth - really very well - and Madame Calès at 4 just as we were going out - the carriage - undressed - tried on the stays - very good fit - paid for the 4 pair (2 each) 70/ + 80/- Out in the carriage from 4 3/4 to 7 at the Luxembourg gardens saw the entrance of St. Geneviève, the new sculpture on the pediment, and some time at St. Suprie - dinner at 7 10/60 and sat in the salon eating strawberries Out again i...