Thursday 28 March 1839

Soft rainy morning - Fahrenheit 45 inside and 40 1/2 outside at 8 1/4

Had Ann about half hour all in tears and low we must get off return July and then finish the jobs about the place

Breakfast at 8 20/60 and over at 8 55/60 - then making memoranda &c. till now 9 1/4

Then out - had Sam Booth and Robert Mann and his 3 men (Jack Green, William Lord and Ben) taking up and carrying to the embankment (between back Lodge that is to be and rock-bridge) young oaks and beeches which Sam Booth and Jack Green planted after dinner - Robert Mann and two men being at the Lodge road, finishing setting and doing up about oak roots all the afternoon having George and 2 carts carrying their stuff from the is-to-be Landy court entrance road to the house

With Ann from 12 to 12 50/60 who had Booth with her - she went to Cliff hill about 1 1/2 and returned about 3 1/2 and came out to me at 4 - went in with her at 4 1/2 for an hour - talked to and cheered her said if she could not rouse herself out of this lowness she had settle all safely on me so that they could not throw her property into chancery told her this morning we would be off somewhere as soon as possible we must get off i am stirring myself to manage it in five or six weeks Ann would like to be off to Egypt - or for a short while, would like to go to Paris or Berlin

The gallery - twisted-ballusters put up today, all except the compartment against the landing - came in at 7 - dressed - dinner at 7 1/4 - Ann read French 4 pages - she has for sometime past read as much every evening immediately after dinner - 1/2 asleep on the sofa - coffee

Wrote the above of today till 10 p.m. - then read tonight's paper till 10 3/4 - Rainy day till about noon, and afterwards several short showers - Fahrenheit 46 inside and 38 1/2 outside at 10 55 p.m. - went to Ann at 11 35/60  

WYAS: SH:7/ML/E/23/0009


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