Wednesday 21 June 1837

Very fine morning out at 7 1/4 and Fahrenheit 60 - about - came in at 9 to breakfast having taken Robert Mann and Jack Green and the gardener and his 2 men of Roberts Joseph Booth and Abraham, to Mr. Gray's job at the pools

Sometime with Ann before Mr. Gray came - had Mr. Washington for minute or 2 - had heard nothing more from Hardcastle about his wood and the road to it, or about the Holdsworth Godly cottages

Out about till off with Mr. Gray about before, 11 to the meer - had Mawson there - then by the meer road to Hipperholme quarry at 12 - sometime there giving advice to Hartley about what stones to send - then returned to luncheon while I looked about with Joseph Mann - just finishing soiling up about the bridge - nice bit of ground for a garden - told him about putting the shed not under the bridge as planned by Charles Howarth but close to the gate to think what he could get it done for

Then by Pump lane to Mark Town's - still sinking - no appearance of water as yet - then sauntered round the Upper Place quarry to Wormersley's - told him to see about masons, and call and let me know - wished the new house to be begun by the 1st of next month - he said something about a hay-barn - but I would not listen to it - enough to think of getting the house done

In returning stood talking some while with Mrs. Town - then with Mark who wanted to take a bit of waste in; but I said I would have nothing to do with it, and would not let him pay any lord's rent for anything he should take in, to Mr. Rawson - met Wormersley going to Halifax and walked with him down Whiskum road

At the end of it met Mr. Kitching man who said the King died yesterday morning about 3 a.m. - long talk about politics went to Matthew Booth's to inquire about the masons that had built his houses for him - hoped he would vote right this time - he said he would talk to me about that another time

Returned by the Lodge - the 4 rubblers had broken the stone to just beyond, on this side of, the bridge - sent Michael to shovel off the dirt for them - Robert and Jack and the gardener + 2, as above, at Mr. Gray's jobs - Sam Booth Michael and John Holmes with Firth and his man at the rain water pipes in the court William Busfield poorly today and yesterday - then with Booth boy settling about getting on with the work

Roberts 2 masons, who pave (set) the farm yard road, to come and give me an estimate for the footing of the garden walls - the haybarn to be done or at least begun immediately

4 masons slating the tower, began yesterday, and 2 coping ye wash-house - + labourer and lads and Booth at 1 thing or other - Edward began setting the brewing copper in the afternoon

At the pools till Firth senior came between 5 and 6 then long talk political with them under the bridge Firth a blue - then with Joseph and Robert Mann till came in at 7 10/60

Dinner at 7 20/60 - finished my bottle of Copenhagen Claret opened yesterday of which Mr. Gray had had 2 glasses - sleepy in consequence

Came upstairs from the dining room and lay slumbering on the sofa till Ann brought me coffee about 9? and sat with me till about 10 1/2 while I had eaten 8 oranges, and she had read me Letter pages and ends and under the seal, come tonight, from Mariana Leamington - had tried to get rid of the school for the education of servants, but had fallen into more responsibility about it than ever - her Wisbaden scheme given up - her sister Ann on a tour with Miss Norcliffe at the Lakes

Then till 11 20/60 wrote all the above of today - very fine day - Fahrenheit 52 now at 11 35/60 p.m.

Michael's brother - Royle set on as joiner 1st time at the tower ceiling yesterday morning.  

WYAS: SH:7/ML/E/20/0079


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