Monday 11 May 1840

Fine morning beautifully clear - the short line of haycocky snowy mountains never so distinct - Kasbek one point of just seen from our windows peeping above the hills to the extreme right (north east) - Reaumur 11 1/2 now at 6 1/2 a.m. we really go to bed soon and get up soon - ready at 7 50/60 - sat down to write - dressed - breakfast over at 10 10/60

Then finished my letter to Countess Alexandra Panin then had Mr. Tolstoy for a few minutes - he was gone before 11 10/60 - note this morning just before breakfast from Madame Latchinoff - did not open it till I had written out the note written just before getting into bed last night - then added a P.S. - all this done by 11 1/4 - her note very civil begging me to correct the passage (at the end nearly) purporting that a battalion of Russian infantry was slaughtered at Etchmiadzin at the moment of watering their horses - wrote 'au moment ou le bataillon se desalteraient à une source, ayant mis bas les armes' - concluding with 'Tout me vous souhaitant un bon voyage j'ai l'honneur d'être madame votre très humble servante Catherine de Latchinoff - 29 avril/11 may 1837 Tiflis' (1840) - wrote civil note to Madame Golovin and copied this and my letter to Countess Alexandra Panin and note to Madame Latchinoff vide other end of book, and sent by George about 1 p.m. my note to 'à madame Madame de Golovin' and 'à madame Madame de Latchinoff'

Then had Ann with her 3 letters to Princess Radzivill and Mrs. Ann Walker and Mr. Adam these took me till time to go out

Ann and I out at 5 10/60 shopping - more sugar and boots for Ann and bougies - came in at 6 1/2

Wrote 2 1/2 pages (large sized 1/2 sheet note paper) to Princess Radzivill and dinner about 7 1/2 - almost immediately came Mr. Tolstoy and sat with dinner over and till 8 1/2 - talked general conversation of France &c - what France will settle into who can tell? - gave him my letter (4 pages of 1/2 sheet note paper) to 'to Madame la Comtesse Alexandra Panin à Moscow' - just before going out at 5 10/60 had very nice civil note from Madame Golovin in answer to mine of this morning - wishing us a pleasant journey - sorry not to have seen us again &c. &c. - finished my letter (4 pages of large 1/2 sheet note paper) to Princess Radzivill and wrote 1/2 dozen line cross page 1 of my letter to Mariana dated today - the letter written last Wednesday tho' dated this day week 4 May

Had Domna - had written so far now at 11 p.m. stopped Ann's letter to Princess Radzivill Ann not in good humour since before going out and speaking of her letter to Mr Adam money matters always set her wron[g]

Very fine day - 'tis now 12 3/4 -

Our society at Tiflis:

Madame Golovin
Madame Braïko
Madame Kotzbue
Madame Orloff
Madame Vassilekofski
Madame Besoc
Madame Latchinoff
Madame Chevostoff
Madame Scallon
Madame Griboudedeff
and all the husbands of these including Golovin absent and Vassilikofski
Princess Dadian
Princess Orbelian
Mr. Tolstoy
Mr. Jirofski
Mr. Roubetz
Colonel Broussiloff
Mr. Stadler

WYAS: SH:7/ML/E/24/0101


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