Wednesday 6 November 1839

Fine but dull morning Fahrenheit 59 3/4 on my table now at 8 57/60 and then had Grotza till 9 25/60 = 28 minutes therefore dressing = 1 23/60 hour! too much by 23 minutes - at the grammar in Reiff's dictionary till breakfast at 9 40/60 to 10 35/60 = 55 minutes at breakfast! times like distances are long here

Letter from Mr. Parker dated 21 October containing copy of Booth's manquée, of 10 August - Just read the letter over with Ann before breakfast and talked it over afterwards doing little else till now 12 50/60

Had a man about an hour ago with silks, Maikoff - sent by the princess Radzivill, - Persiennes at 2/50 l'aschine, and 5/50 for sarsinets narrowish = 20 archines for a dress - and white satins, also made about 20 versts from Moscow, at 15/- per archine - the man said 15 archines of satin for a dress - as princess Radzivill said last night cannot go to a fête in black or grey - (mourning and 1/2 ditto) - must go in colours - the 1st. balle des nobles here will be 6 December Old Style?, the emperor's birthday - must go in white all white for this is a sort of signifying that one is in mourning at other times - a person in mourning for their own mother must put it off on this occasion - if we didn't choose to dress, might go into the balcon around the room, and look down upon the people - but we should be hot, and it would not be comfortable - and there, in the balcon, one could not be in black or grey

Compliments came before breakfast and the Princess would be glad to see us to dinner today at 4 - compliments back and would be happy to wait upon her - 'tis now one p.m. and Reaumur + 1 1/2 = Fahrenheit 33

Then wrote 'Mrs. Lister 'presents her compliments to Mr. Marc, and will be glad to see him tomorrow evening - 'Howard's hotel - Wednesday morning -, 25 October,' - Directed it to 'Monsieur A Marc esquire, &c. &c. &c.'

Out about 1 1/2 to the boulevard turning to our right, and returning to the Tverskoi, our walk-boulevard, and thus home at 2 40/60 - then walked about, dining room and passage, at home till 3

Dressed - at 4 went to Princess Radzivill - her mother, princess Rousoff, there taking a whet, of caviar cheese, before dinner - the Prince Radzivill had sent for the marchand with stuff for Ann's cheek and at her instigation (advice) for my robe de chambre - 10 1/2 archines for me + 4 1/2 for Ann = 15 archines at 5/50 per archine - this settled, we sat down to dinner about 4 1/4? Russian soup - patés - veal, a shoulder?, but done so as that we helped ourselves, handed round, with a spoon - then came roast pig partly cut up, but I had to cut myself a smaller piece, with a little gelinotte, cut up into legs & wings &c., on the same dish - then the 2 little glass dishes of preserve were handed round and lemel wine as liqueur, and we got up from table - 1st. madera - then medoc - then Laffitte, bordeaux, 2/50 and 3/50 the bottle and a bottle of sauterne a bottle at each corner of the table - the princess opposite her mother to whom I gave my arm, as desired in going out, and the Princess Radzivill led out Ann - coffee

Note from prince Galitzin to ask me to dinner at 4 tomorrow brought in first as Ann and I were coming away for 1/2 hour about 6 1/2 - being to return afterwards to tea

The ladies dress very much here - Princess Radzivill very good about telling it - must have a toque, or one feather, or something, or flowers in my head - princess Radzivill would have sent for toques to her apartment for us to look at tomorrow but her mother put this off - saying it would be of no use - we had best go ourselves - the mother had mentioned our going to the levee? bal des marchands on Sunday next as a sight worth seeing - people of all nations there - and then said the bals des nobles would not begin till the Emperors 6 December Old Style - as a sight, I said much obliged and would go to the bal des marchands next Sunday - it is en face - but now (7 50/60) on second thoughts, why should we go? better at home

On coming upstairs wrote in answer and sent by Prince Gatilzin's servant who waited, the following answer 'Madame Lister présente ses complimens au Prince Gatilzin, et elle se favor grand plaisir de diner chez lui demain à quatre heures - mercredi - 25 Octobre - au général, la prince Gatilzin, gouverneur général militairie, de la ville de Moscow, &c. &c. &c.'

Had just written so far at 8 3/60 Princess Radzivill sent to say tea was ready - we went immediately at 8 5/60 and staid till 9 50/60 her father mother 2 sisters there and the husband of the younger sister Count Cuthaiof or some such name - he talked much against our going to the Urals - could not go in a vossok - must go en traineau - 30 to 35 of cold - might be robbed - to be very sure of our professor poor little de Richter Recommended an Englishman, a Mr. Bell

Damp drizzling small rainy dirty day - the 1st. of this kind we have had Fahrenheit 61 1/2.

WYAS: SH:7/ML/E/23/0120 & SH:7/ML/E/23/0121


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