Friday 8 November 1839

Fine sunny morning - Mr. de Richter at 9 25/60 to 10 3/4 - chiefly conversation - he mentioned a drawing master - to bring him with him tomorrow morning

Count Goudovich marés- -chal de la noblesse here - il est élu (elected) to this post which makes him rank high - next I should suppose to the governor - property here divided equally among all the sons, the widow taking 1/7 and this seventh suffices also for the widow and for the daughter if she has one - if more daughters is this seventh still all that the law accords? - one can have a good house here for 3,000/- per annum - Prince Serge Galitzia very rich - the richest noble here? no? that must be Sheremetieff? merchants here, who wear their beards, who have des millions - millions of roubles per annum - 30,000/- a good income - +5,000/- given by the emperor + governor's salary + palace of a house and probably various other allowances

Breakfast at 10 3/4 to 11 40/60 and wrote the above of today till now 11 55/60

Then had Count Panin - and Mr. A. Marc and Count Goudovich and then talking to Ann till now 3 3/4

At the boulevard at 3 55/60 Ann took 3 turns in 55 minutes and I 4 in 1 10/60, she sat in the carriage waiting for me, and came in at 5 10/60 Reaumur -9 1/2 = about Fahrenheit 10 and Fahrenheit, on my table, 62 1/2 or Reaumur about +14 or not quite so much - very fine day - I felt braced and all the better for my walk - and on telling she how well she had borne a cold of Fahrenheit 10 = 22 Fahrenheit below the freezing point she merely observed she did not say much but did not like it - eh bien! - however much it may sometimes seem that she would like the Siberian journey, it is out of the question - Refléchissez bien - we met Count Goudovich in our first turn who looked good turned and asked how we bore the cold - mais fort bien said I - alas! the answer was for myself alone? - but I have seen Ann bear the cold worse at home and I think she would suffer more from it in Paris

'tis now 5 35/60 - dressed - dinner at 6 1/4 about 3/4 hour - walked about a little with Ann looked into Russian grammar - slumbered

Princess Radzivill sent up to say tea was ready at a little after 8 - went down to her - her father and the old English lady there - soon afterwards came the old princess - and by and by Count and Countess Koutaisoff - she had sent the turkey feather knitted boa this morning price 85/- while Mr. Marc was here - to pay tomorrow and go there to tea at 7 1/2, and all to meet afterwards chez la Princess Radzivill - after going to see the cosmetic shop - Gross came for us as usual in about (near) an hour - but Princess Radzivill would have us stay, and we all got very good friends

Staid supper - nice little supper - a mayonnaise of poulet, a gateau, rather baba-like, de riz and then crême au chocolat, - all the 2 (did not taste the gateau) excellent - all came away at 10 35/60 - they all think we pay very over? for our apartment and living - there ought to be a couple of lamps in the salle à manger spoke a moment to princess Radzivill about herself - she will go to London next year to consult the faculty there - I offered to write to ask the opinion of a physician in the country I myself could trust - we are to talk it over

Looked into Russian grammar - had Grotza till after 12 - Fahrenheit 62 1/2 now at 12 1/4 on my table and Reaumur -13 1/2 = Fahrenheit 1 i.e. 31 degrees below the freezing point - very fine day.

WYAS: SH:7/ML/E/23/0121 & SH:7/ML/E/23/0122


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